Air Monitor

Air Monitor has been delivering airflow measurement & control solutions since 1967 – well over 50 years of experience! We are the premier solutions provider for the Commercial HVAC, Industrial Process, and Power Generation markets. We are the only airflow solutions provider with expertise and product based on differential pressure and thermal dispersion measurement technologies. We offer both because we know from experience that it is important to apply the right technology to the right application. Airflow measurement is not a “one size fits all” business. We offer standard solutions for common applications and custom solutions that will fit your unique needs.
Air Monitor Logo
In addition to our proprietary RTU OA Intake Hood zero clearance direct couple airflow measurement station that delivers unparalleled performance without environmental limitations of straight duct runs, rain, duct, or other issues the standard technologies of differential pressure and thermal dispersion measurement technologies have with this application.

When you are an industry pioneer, you develop a unique and critical skill set because you are always the first one called to provide a solution. Air Monitor’s firsts include:

  • EAirflow measurement stations with AMCA certified performance
  • EMicroprocessor based minimum outside air monitor/controllers designed to meet ASHRAE 62 & 189.1 with BAS interface
  • ECost-effective microprocessor based transmitter with ±0.25% accuracy of full span
  • EMulti-point, self-averaging Pitot airflow measuring station
  • EPulverized coal flow measurement device offered in the US

We also match our best-in-class technology with best-in-class technical support. We have an applications engineering team with more than 100 years of industry experience. This group backs up our Regional Solutions Team who work hand in hand with the best and most experienced local representatives in the industry. Our technical team is supported by an operations team that has the capability and desire to satisfy any and all requirements. We can and do fabricate many unique solutions. We also have a 36,000 CFM DWDI centrifugal fan wind tunnel to test what we build. This wind tunnel was constructed per ANSI / AMCA 610.

These are just a few of the reasons you should let us help you with your next air flow measurement solution.